2018-19 Pearl Ball Cotillion

May 4, 2019 @ 6:00PM — 10:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)

A debutante (French word for "female beginner") is a young lady making her official entrance into adult society at a formal presentation known as her "debut" or "coming out." She is usually recommended by a distinguished committee/organization or sponsored by an established member of society.

2018-19 Pearl Ball Cotillion  image

Pearl Ball Cotillion Events

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The debutante tradition, as we know it in the United States, has its roots, as many of our customs do, in England. The idea that a girl should be presented to society stems from the time when a daughter of a marriageable age needed to find a husband of suitable and similar social standing. The idea of the presentation of young women to society started in this country in 1748 when fifty-nine (59) colonial families held what were then called Dancing Assemblies, the forerunner to the debutante Ball.

During an extensive preparatory period, the debutante focuses on her social, academic, leadership and civic development, to emerge as a poised, polished, responsible, productive member of her community.

Upon completion of her training, she participates in a debutante ball, a formal presentation of young ladies to society. Modern cotillions are often charity events; the parents of the debutante donate a certain amount of money to the designated cause, and the invited guests pay for their tickets. Cotillions are traditionally elaborate formal affairs and involve not only "debs" but junior debutantes and escorts as well.

Participants meet on designated dates throughout the Season. Focus areas may include etiquette, career planning, hygiene and grooming, conflict resolution, personal responsibility, leadership, money matters and volunteerism. Debutantes will also receive dance instruction, attend cultural events, participate in college preparation workshops and compete for scholarships.